Minutes of the Board of Education #42R - Regular Meeting - 5/13/2024
The Osmond Board of Education met at 8:05 pm on Monday, May 13, 2024, in the multi-purpose room. The President announced and informed the public that a copy of the open meetings act was posted in the room.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Reikofski, that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the May 8, 2024 issue of the Osmond Republican and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. All members having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared, passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. For: 6 Against: 0
Board member roll call was taken with all members being present.
The district purpose statement was read.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Celebration of Excellence: FBLA members including Keely Gubbels, Erica Heiman, Callie Hoffman, Anabelle Vinson, Matthew Alderson and James Doyle presented on their upcoming national competition in Florida, asking for financial assistance to help cover trip costs.
The meeting Agenda was approved as presented.
Patron Input: None.
It was moved by Reikofski, seconded by Koehler, to approve the consent agenda and financial reports as presented including reviewed board policies 3049, 3050, 3053 and 3055.
For: 6 Against: 0
Principal Polt submitted a written report on; 1) the last day of school for students on May 15th; 2) report cards; 3) district leadership data day; 4) end of school year staff work days; 5) district & state track, offering congratulations to Xander Brown, Hunter Buchanan & Dominic True for making it to state; and 6) district and state golf.
Superintendent Bremer reported on; 1) board policies; 2) staffing changes; 3) Wausa co-op update; 4) school office remodel update; 5) concrete & tuckpoint repairs; 6) new legislative items; 7) Title IX training; 8) Tiger Branch of Security Bank for financial literacy; 9) early childhood education; and 10) amendment to the Superintendent contract.
Board Member / Committee Reports: 1) Koehler asked about quotes for the school’s back door replacement.
Discussion Item: Future partnerships with Wausa Public School was discussed by the board and administration in order to compare meeting notes in the near future with Wausa regarding needs for each school in the short and long term.
Action Items: It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Reikofski, to enter into a cooperative agreement with Wausa Public school for junior high boys and girls basketball for the 2024-2025 season, with equitable use of facilities and administration finalizing details.
For: 6 Against: 0
It was moved by Reikofski, seconded by Rice, to extend Superintendent Bremer’s contract through the 2025-2026 school year, by approving the presented “Contract Amendment.”
For: 6 Against: 0
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Koehler, to provide financial assistance to students qualifying for FBLA Nationals, in the amount of $3,375 to help cover trip costs to Orlando, FL.
For: 6 Against: 0
The new teaching contract with Mrs. Erin Braun, the new third grade instructor, was approved as presented.
It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Rice, to approve the bid from R & S Tuckpointing LLC for tuckpoint repairs, not to exceed $68,400.
For: 6 Against: 0
The minutes of the meeting were read.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 pm.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular meeting of the Osmond Board of Education will be on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 8:00 pm at the school. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned acting Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session on the 13th day of May 2024, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice.
Margaret Ryan - Recording Secretary