Minutes of the Board of Education #42R - Regular Meeting - 11/11/2024
The Osmond Board of Education met at 7:00 pm, Monday, November 11, 2024, in the multi-purpose room at Osmond Community Schools, located at 202 W. Prairie St., Osmond, NE.
It was moved by Krohn, seconded by Koehler, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the November 6, 2024 issue of the Osmond Republican, according to policy 2008 and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. All members having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared, passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the room.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
Board member roll call was taken, with all members being present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Celebration of Excellence: School counselor Lacy Stelling presented to the board on her role as Guidance Counselor in the school, also sharing overall student placement on various proficiency tests.
Discussion Items: 1) Kyle Overturf from AMGL presented on the 2023/2024 audit results; 2) Mr. Bremer discussed the upcoming Feasibility Study.
Patron Input: President Moes recognized Regina Lorenz from the Osmond Republican as a guest in attendance.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Gansebom, to approve the consent agenda, reviewed board policies 4018, 4019, 4020, 4024, revised policy 5012 and adoption of policy 6035, financial reports and November claims as presented.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
Principal Polt reported on: 1) Lewis & Clark conference vocal clinic and concert, conference honor choir and the Osmond vocal concert; 2) winter sports practice beginning Nov. 18th; 3) conference and district play production and community performance; 4) conference quiz bowl at WSC; 5) Thanksgiving break; 6) elementary and secondary Christmas concerts, scheduled for Dec. 17th; 7) K-12 mock elections held on Nov. 5th; 8) FFA update, complementing Mrs. Evans for all her hard work and contributions to the program; 9) noted a renewal or change to the elementary reading curriculum; 10) the recent ESU 8 Principal’s Assembly and upcoming State Principal’s Conference; 11) upcoming Junior class ACT test, scheduled for March 25, 2025; and 12) preliminary work on the 25/26 school year calendar.
Superintendent Bremer reported on: 1) reviewed board policies; 2) coop and feasibility study; 3) office remodel update and Cat6 cabling; 4) 23/24 school audit; 5) new car for special education; 6) unified bowling, also thanking Mrs. von Rentzell and Dennis Kuhl for their contributions to the program; 7) NASB State Education Conference; 8) Rule 10 Compliance visit; 9) upcoming board workshop; and 10) strategic plan and district goals reminders.
Board Comments / Committee Reports: 1) President Moes commented on the nice Veteran’s Day Program at school; 2) the recent successes of the FFA program; 3) noted that some Wausa patrons had positive comments on the football coop; and 4) encouraged the board to review the upcoming program offerings at the State School Board Conference; 5) Gansebom updated the board on the electronic sign project with the City; 6) Krohn commented on the respectfulness of the student helpers at the Veteran’s Day Program and lunch; and 7) Moes noted that the Grounds Committee will be holding a meeting in the near future.
Action Items: It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Rice, to approve the 2023/2024 school district audit.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
It was moved by Krohn, seconded by Koehler, to approve the ordering of a new 2025 Chevrolet Equinox for special education, in the amount of $28,333.00.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
The minutes of the meeting were read.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular meeting of the Osmond Board of Education will be on Monday, Dec. 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the school. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes is a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session on the 11th of November 2024, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. --Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary