Agenda - Regular Meeting - October 21, 2024
October 21, 2024
202 W. Prairie St, Osmond, Nebraska 68765
1:00 PM - Multi-Purpose Room, 202 W Prairie Street, Osmond, NE 68765-0458
The subjects to be discussed or considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken, are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as listed.)
I. Call to Order - Adopt Agenda - Certify Publication
I.A. The regular October meeting is called to order on October 21 at _______P.M., in the multi-purpose room of Osmond Community Schools.The Nebraska Open Meetings Law is posted in room. Publication of meeting was provided according to policy 2008, being published in the (Date) issue of the Osmond Republican, and is duly convened in open session.
I.B. Board Member Roll Call:
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
II. JAGNE Presentation
III. Patron Input
III.A. Recognize Audience
III.B. Requested Input
IV. Consent Agenda (Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be included under one motion.)
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular Board meeting on September 9.
IV.B. Board policies to review: 4018-4024.
V. Reports
V.A. Financial Report
V.A.1. Treasurer’s, Activity, Revenue, Expenditure, School Lunch, and QCPUF.
V.A.2. Approval of September claims and accounts
V.B. Activities Director
V.C. K-12 Principal
V.D. Superintendent
V.E. Board Member/Committee Reports
V.E.1. Board Chairman
V.E.2. Committees
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to review the Trane HVAC Service Agreement.
VII. Closed Session
VIII. Reading of the minutes
IX. Adjourn
X. Osmond Community Schools Board of Education reserves the right to go into Closed Session at any time for purposes in accordance with § 84-1410(1).
*Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act §84-1410(1).
**Sequence of Agenda: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting.
***Action Item: The board reserves the right to take action on any item on the board agenda.