Minutes of the Board of Education #42R - Public Hearings on 24/25 Budget & Final Tax Request and Regular Meeting - 9/9/2024
Public Hearing on the Proposed 2024-2025 Budget
The Osmond Board of Education Public Budget Hearing commenced at 7:03 pm, Monday, September 9, 2024, in the school multipurpose room.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Koehler, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the Sept. 4, 2024 issue of the Osmond Republican, according to policy 2008 and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. Members present and having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the room.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
Board Member Roll Call was taken, with all members being present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The hearing was opened for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations of taxpayers relating to adopting the 2024-2025 budget.
Superintendent Bremer shared information and visited with the board regarding the new budget and the rationale behind the different budgeted expenditures.
The Budget hearing was adjourned at 7:10 pm.
I, the undersigned, Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes is a true and correct copy of a Hearing of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session of the 9th day of September, 2024, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. –Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary
Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Final Tax Request
The Osmond Board of Education Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Final Tax Request commenced at 7:11 pm.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Koehler, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the Sept. 4, 2024 issue of the Osmond Republican, according to policy 2008 and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. Members present and having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the room.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
The hearing was opened for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations of taxpayers relating to settling the final tax ask request for the 2024-2025 school year.
Superintendent Bremer shared information and visited with the board regarding the tax request and the rationale behind the final tax request.
The Final Tax Request hearing was adjourned at 7:13 pm.
I, the undersigned, Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes is a true and correct copy of a Hearing of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session of the 9th day of September, 2024, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. –Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary
Regular Meeting
The Osmond Board of Education Regular Meeting convened at 7:14 pm.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Koehler, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the Sept. 4, 2024 issue of the Osmond Republican, according to policy 2008 and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. Members present and having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the room.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
The District Purpose Statement was read.
Celebration of Excellence: A presentation was given Mrs. Diane Martin, the school's licensed mental health practitioner. She shared the work she does for the district focusing on mental health of students and staff; shared information on the mental health grant that was received; and information on Jay Martin's presentation on September 18th regarding digital and internet safety for grades 7-12.
Patron Input: President Moes recognized Regina Lorenz from the Osmond Republican as a guest in attendance.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Gansebom, to approve the consent agenda, including reviewed board policies, financial reports and September claims as presented.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
Principal Polt reported on: 1) Fall NSCAS testing for grades 3-6; 2) Jay Martin, NDE guest speaker scheduled for Sept 18th to speak to grades 7-12 about digital wisdom; 3) Homecoming spirit week beginning Sept. 30th, with Homecoming on Oct. 4th; 4) the K-12 drills that have occurred, to include tornado, fire and bus evacuations; 5) parent teacher conferences moving from Oct. 7 to Oct 8; 6) the end of the first quarter on Oct. 11, with report cards being mailed the following week; 7) a Sept. 11 teacher in-service for required trainings; 8) noted that the FFA members will attend Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island on Sept. 11; 9) the new school messaging system; 10) senior banners; 11) play production; and 12) congratulated the cross country team for all members placing at their recent meet.
Superintendent Bremer reported on: 1) reviewed board policies; 2) co-op and feasibility study update; 3) office remodel update; 4) the 24/25 budget; 5) new hire Michele Wattier as a custodian; 6) the NASB State Conference on November 20-22; 7) the recent ESU 8 annual visit; 8) the upcoming Rule 10 safety visit and Rule 10 compliance visit; 9) the Lewis & Clark Conference administration meeting on Sept. 18 in Wayne; 10) early childhood education; 11) office structures exploration on use of space; and 12) how best to communicate school successes to the community.
Board & Committee reports: 1) Gansebom reported the latest updates on the community sign with the city; 2) President Moes asked for committee feedback on a recent NASB presentation in Norfolk on community programs such as C4K (Communities For Kids); 3) the board visited about early childhood education and before and after care; 4) President Moes thanked OCS and the board for remembering his family on their recent loss; 5) members spoke about who will attend the annual NASB Conference in November; and 6) due to a scheduling conflict, set the October regular board of education meeting for Monday, Oct. 21st at 7:00 pm.
Action Items: It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Rice, that Osmond Community School adopts the 2024-2025 budget as proposed.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Gansebom, that Osmond Community School sets the 2024-2025 Final Tax Request for the General Fund in the amount of $3,242,374 and the Special Building Fund in the amount of $76,535 and the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund (QCPUF) in the amount of $92,929.
Yea: 6 Nay: 0
The minutes of the meeting were read.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular meeting of the Osmond Board of Education will be on Monday, Oct. 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the school. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned, Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes is a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session of the 9th day of September 2024, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. –Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary